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"What a beautifully written and poignant book. Kelly has committed herself to ensuring that everyone avoids burnout, and this revolutionary book shares actionable ways to ensure we stay on a path of collective wellness. Kelly reminds us we are all individuals who must prioritize the inner work in order to thrive both personally and professionally." Laura Mazzullo, Owner, East Side Staffing

F*CK Burnout: Why We Need To Call BS On Workplace Wellbeing To Finally Banish Burnout

My new book, F*CK Burnout: Why We Need To Call BS On Workplace Wellbeing To Finally Banish Burnout is launching on November 29th and you can pre-order now, to get your hands on some amazing bonuses!

Pre-order before October 31st and you'll receive:

  • A signed copy of F*CK Burnout: Why We Need To Call BS On Workplace Wellbeing To Finally Banish Burnout sent out to you on the day or the launch 
  • An exclusive 90 minute virtual F*CK Burnout Masterclass including a Q&A on Monday 9th December from 15:00 (UK)
  • A private F*CK Burnout podcast that you'll be able to access from November 1st
  • An exclusive F*CK Burnout mini course - your login-details will be sent to you on December 1st

AND, you'll also be entered into a prize draw to win one of FIVE annual memberships to the Burnout Club worth £250.00 each.  The winners will be selected during the Masterclass on 9th December

How exciting and incredible is all of this???

Soooo, what are you waiting for? 

Hit the button below and preorder your copy today for just £15.00.

YES, you read that right - I said £15, it's a no-brainer, so if you're tempted to buy more than one copy, I wouldn't blame you!!

Pre-order F*CK Burnout Now For £15.00

"As always, Kelly holds a mirror up to many uncomfortable truths by sharing her personal experiences, relatable stories and case studies, and a growing pile of scary evidence. The book shines a spotlight on the fact that leaders need to focus on doing the right things, not everything, and that the 'Monday to Friday dying cycle' doesn’t have to be the norm." Jo Wright, Co-Founder, Coaching Culture

You're either moving toward Wellbeing or you're moving toward Burnout!

Both are the outcome of everything we do, not a strategy or initiative to use as a sticking plaster.

And in my latest book, I'm calling BS on workplace wellbeing initiatives as they often serve as a superficial band-aid rather than a real solution.

While Workplace Wellbeing typically promotes mindfulness apps, wellness perks, and stress management workshops, they frequently ignore the structural issues—like excessive workloads, unrealistic expectations, and toxic cultures—that contribute to Burnout in the first place.

By focusing on these surface-level fixes, organisations can deflect attention from the more challenging, but necessary, task of changing workplace conditions.

To truly Banish Burnout, we must demand systemic change that prioritises sustainable work practices over feel-good initiatives.

And in F*ck Burnout, I'm taking a different look at Workplace Wellbeing so that we can finally Banish Burnout!


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