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Raising Awareness To Banish Burnout


This Is Burnout

January 2023 marks 10 years since Burnout took hold of me physically and resulted in seven months of hospital admittances before two operations in 48 hours at different hospitals and under different consultants.  I've spent the last 10 years raising awareness about burnout, and I'm not stopping now as numbers continue to rise.

Between the 9th and 12th January 2023, I hosted a series of Livestream conversations with people who have experienced burnout, and others, as they share their stories and their expertise to help raise awareness so that we can, one day soon, banish burnout.

And you can get involved!

3 Ways That You Can Get Involved

1. Share your pic and your burnout experience story on your social channels using #ThisIsBurnout, and tag me @kellyswingler so that jointly we can raise awareness and take steps to prevent burnout.

2. Download the campaign images below and share on your social channels, tagging me @kellyswingler and with the #ThisIsBurnout tag.

3. If you've experienced burnout, click the button below to register for updates for the 2024 #ThisIsBurnout campaign week

Together, we can start the Burnout Prevention Revolution and make burnout a thing of the past.

Raise Awareness

Share your pic and your story along with #ThisIsBurnout and tag me @kellyswingler

Get Others Involved

If you know someone who has reached burnout, tag them, speak to them, and ask for them to get involved too.  Now is the time for the Burnout Prevention Revolution.

Burnout Sucks!

Together, let's raise awareness, take action, and prevent burnout.

2023 Guest Interviews

All of the fabulous conversations that you don't want to miss. The replays are available below, on LinkedIn, and on YouTube.

Campaign Images

Feel free to download and use these images across your social media channels to raise awareness of this campaign week so that we can help to prevent and eliminate burnout.

Buy The Book

Mind The Gap: A Story Of Burnout, Breakthrough and Beyond.

The book I really didn't want to write, that's now helping others to make changes in their lives and work to help them to prevent burnout.

"Buy this book!"


"I was gifted this book and honestly wasn't sure what to expect.
What I hadn't expected was for it to result in me seeing my life through a totally different lens.
Kelly tells her story in an easy-to-read style, it's written as she speaks (I've been lucky enough to attend one of her events - another MUST DO btw).
It's stopped me in my tracks multiple times. Made me realise how much I justify carrying on ('just until....').
I start lots of books, I don't finish most of them. This one I absolutely read to the end.
I'm doing things differently since reading this book.

"Just finished this amazing, vulnerable, bold, raw, informative, inspired, and inspiring book by Kelly Swingler. Order yours today"


#ThisIsBurnout Introduction

#ThisIsBurnout with Michelle Yeoman

#ThisIsBurnout My Story

#ThisIsBurnout - Some Radical Honesty and Some Stats

#ThisIsBurnout With Kristen Harcourt

#ThisIsBurnout Day 2 Intro and Reflections from Day One

#ThisIsBurnout with Jay Unwin

#ThisIsBurnout with Debra Corey

#ThisIsBurnout with Morgan Gleave

#ThisIsBurnout with Melanie Costas

#ThisIsBurnout Day 2 Reflections and Day 3 Introduction

#ThisIsBurnout with Rachel Haith

#ThisIsBurnout with Julie Turney

#ThisIsBurnout with Michelle Hartley

#ThisIsBurnout with Dennisse Bray

#ThisIsBurnout with Victoria Hall

#ThisIsBurnout with Taz Thornton

Join The Burnout Prevention Revolution!

Register for updates.


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