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Are Your Values Leaving You Feeling FRAZZLED?


Mic drop

Lightbulb moment


Today, I have realised for the first time in my life, that my company, does not need to have my own personal values.

And more specifically, my own business does not need to have my personal values.

Because it's not me, and it's not about me.

My business is about my clients - which of course I knew - but it's important that my company values are best placed for my clients.

And yes, there's a crossover of course!

BUT, even more eye-opening, is that I've realised that I was comparing the toxic Exec team in the toxic workplace that caused me to reach Burnout, to my own values, and not that of the organisation.

So, in actual fact, I was adding to my own stress. I

'm talking about this and more in today's episode of FRAZZLED, enjoy!


#HR #HRCommunity #ToxicWorkplaces #WorkplaceWellbeing


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