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Frazzled The Podcast

Frazzled The Podcast

Hosted by: Kelly Swingler

I'm Kelly, a recovering perfectionist workaholic, overachiever and high-performer who burned out not once, but twice, and I'm on a mission to Banish Burnout! Frazzled is for those of you that find yourselves...


People Pleasing Leaving You FRAZZLED?

Is your need to please people all of the time adding to your stress? What if I told you that people pleasing, isn't actually about wanting to please others, but it's about you feeling validated and wanted? What if,...
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Are Your Values Leaving You Feeling FRAZZLED?

Aha Mic drop Lightbulb moment Epiphany Today, I have realised for the first time in my life, that my company, does not need to have my own personal values. And more specifically, my own business does not need to have...
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Confessions from a Yoga Retreat

I've been away from home for 12 days, and I have five days left on retreat, in the sun, in the quiet, facing the seas from the mountains, where I'm fed and pampered daily. Sounds wonderful right? And for the most...
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What you want isn't always what you need!

I'm in Kerala on my annual yoga retreat, and this episode comes as a result of not getting what I asked for the childish strop that materialised, and the learning and calm that followed. Sometimes in not getting what...
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What I Do To Look After Myself

This episode has been recorded at the request of one of my regular listeners and I'm delighted to have been able to record this for them. I share what I do to look after myself and how I create balance in my...
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Birthday Reflections And The Wheel Of Life

This year to help me start a new (birth) year, I had a mammoth day of reflections, 6 hours of journalling and planning. And in this episode, I'm sharing the questions I asked, the two wheels of life and work, and some...
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Stolen Focus

This week is a different kind of conversation as I share with you two apps and one book that have made a huge difference to my body and mind over the last few weeks. Other than the benefits to me, I'm not getting any...
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The 5 Week Break

I've been off work for 5 weeks, and whilst I've caught up on reading, sleep, rest, time with family and friends, and just having some much-needed downtime, why did I need to force myself to stop working? And what was...
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Who were you before the world told you who you couldn't be?

How much time and energy are you wasting, trying to be who you're not? How often do you dull your sparkle so that you don't make others feel bad? How often do you stop yourself from saying or doing what you want...
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It ain't what you do its the way that you do it!

Inspired by the greatest hits of the '80's this week I'm talking to you about why it's not what you do that matters, but the way that you do it that counts. And, how by doing things differently and in a way that works...
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8 Truths About Life That Are Easy To Miss

In this episode, I'm talking about 8 truths about life that are easy to miss, AND that could be leaving you feeling FRAZZLED, burned out, and exhausted. As our stress levels rise, we start to compare ourselves even...
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The One Where I Stopped Drinking

This isn't a ploy to get you to stop drinking alcohol, but I share with you in this episode what happened when I stopped focusing on what I was losing by quitting drinking, and instead focused on what I would gain, by...
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