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"The phenomenal, exciting, powerful, energetic day of discovery and change."

Paula Senior

It's Your Time To Thrive

No more excuses  

There's no magic wand, but what if I told you that in just one day, you could Power Up your energy, your ambition, your time, your energy, your confidence, and your self-belief as well as letting go of anything that's holding you back and set those all-important boundaries to live your best life on your terms.

You'd want in right?

I know it's hard to focus on your own growth and development when everyone around you wants your time, energy, and attention.

I know what it's like to be spinning all of the plates, and juggling all of the balls, and I know how much of you it's taking to keep everything moving.

Putting yourself first can feel selfish, especially when it comes to investing time and money.

What's the cost of you NOT focusing on yourself right now?

Friday 8th November 2024

8:45 - 5:15

Orton Hall Hotel, Peterborough

No more excuses. 

It's time for you to Power Up





You've probably been to empowering development days before where you leave feeling energised and ready to make the necessary changes to your life and work, but by the time you get back to the office, you've not maintained all of that drive and momentum, me too!

Power Up is different!



"Every time I attend Power Up I leave a different person. This is the single best event you will ever attend.  Thank you Kelly" Sarah Jackson, Business Transformation Lead

"I've laughed, I've cried and I've been challenged.  I've challenged others, but mostly I've met some very fabulous, phenomenal, females who are equally as fired up as I am now" Jo Andrews, Leadership Disruptor

"The loudest, most resounding message from a day filled with soul, with compassion and an unrelenting belief in all the people in the room to Rise up! To Power up! To Thrive! Thank you for putting together the most incredible programme today.  Together we showed up, we let go and we powered up in a way that was phenomenal to witness, not only for myself but for all my new friends too!!" Bep Dhaliwal, Resilience Coach

"I felt privileged to experience Power Up at first-hand.  Saying thank you just doesn't seem enough" Mandy Withers, Virtual HR Director

"Kelly gives you support, compassion, humor and challenges you to be authentic, driven and resilient. She’s helped me lead huge amounts of change and helped me understand where I add true value. "

Emma Russell
HR Director

Who is Power Up for?

From managers to executives, heads of and business founders, if you're tired of playing life small, if you want to feel empowered, if you're ready for change, impactful and sustainable change in your life and work, this is the event for you!


"Kelly's events are thought-provoking, life-changing, supportive, and fun. You're challenged in ways you could never have imagined and you create outcomes you could never have dreamed of. Word of caution, expect emotions to rise, this stuff goes deep and Kelly is so right, change really does happen on the other side of your comfort zone. "

Senior Partner, Legal


  • It's time for you to be seen, heard, known, and advocating for yourself and others 
  • It's time to stand out and to be your unique, different, and impactful self
  • It's time to expand your self-belief, overcome modesty, and let go of any fears about being in the spotlight
  • It's time to stop playing it safe and start raising your head above the parapet, taking risks, and making more of a difference for yourself and others
  • It's time to let go of the beliefs that are holding you back and feel what it's truly like to live your best life as the most power-full version of you
Last year's participants:
  • Left a role of 15 years for a new role in a new company
  • Turned their life upside down, and now their life looks unrecognisable
  • Increased their prices
  • Went for the promotion
  • Started running their own workshops
  • Started their own business
  • Began to prioritise their self-care

No change is too big, and no change is too small.  And none of the people who made these changes would have imagined them possible before Power Up

You just need to be open to the possibilities of change and you never know, you may discover more than you realised.

"Power Up, the theme of the day!! The loudest, most resounding message from a day filled with soul, with compassion and an unrelenting belief in all the people in the room to Rise UP! To Thrive. Thank you Kelly for putting together the most incredible programme today. Together we showed up, we let go and we powered up in a way that was phenomenal to witness, not only for myself but for all my new friends too!! The tasks, the courage and the growth has been awesome. Thank you!"

Bep Dhaliwal

Meet Your Host Kelly Swingler

Aged 30 I had my seat at the table, by 32 I'd reached Burnout and was seriously ill and being admitted to the hospital every few weeks.

I loved my work, I loved my life, and yet I knew there needed to be a different way.

Done with stress, overwhelm, Burnout, and guilt, I began to discover a whole host of weird and wonderful ways to help me to change my life, which I then trained in to help my one-to-one coaching clients create change faster.

Since 2015 I have helped thousands of leaders to live differently, work differently, and think differently. 

I love creating this event, I love delivering this event, and I love seeing the impact this event has on those that attend. 

YOUR time is now!





"What a life-changing day. Wish I’d met people like Kelly and all the delegates earlier in my career. Kelly challenges and brings you out of your comfort zone but with great results. A lot of us muddle through each day not taking time for ourselves. This was a huge wake-up call for me. Whilst I hate the phrase I am now ‘on a journey’ of discovering the true authentic me along with deciding how I want to spend my valuable time. We value money more than we value time which is so wrong. It’s not easy but it’s necessary and Kelly just makes so much sense in this crazy world. The day is life-changing for the better…. Do it! "

Jo Bailey

Book Your POWER UP Place Today!

Friday 8th November 2024 - Just 12 Places Available

Pay in full



Your full-day access to power-full coaching

Lunch, drinks, and refreshments

Your Power Up Swag Bag


Pay in 3 instalments



Your full-day access to power-full coaching

Lunch, drinks and refreshments

Your Power Up Swag Bag


If you'd prefer to be invoiced, or you want to talk about team access, complete the form below and get in touch.

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