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Uncategorized Dec 11, 2019
The very first client I worked with when I started @TheChrysalisCrew was a leading Housing Association in London. They were struggling with gaining buy-in with their People Strategy and asked me if I could help. At first glance the strategy was long, complicated and not easy to see how it would be delivered or what the outcomes would be. I worked with them, I spoke to different people from across the business and the replacement strategy was approved first time.
The feedback was "simple, effective and actionable", music to my ears. The outcomes of which were people who were much more engaged and recognised for their efforts. They went on to win several awards and accreditations the year after and we worked with them on a few more projects.
A few years ago we worked with an NHS Trust on simplifying and redefining their behaviours. What was seven pages of words in tables stuck on walls in training rooms became a diagram of three circles with more detail if you...
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I Didn't Want To Be A 'Coach'

Uncategorized Oct 03, 2019
To be clear, it's not that I don't love to coach, I do. It drives me, it gets me out of bed in the morning, it gives me purpose and I absolutely LOVE seeing the value that my clients get and the changes that they are able to make. So I love TO coach. I just didn't like the name.
I'm a Coach.
The world and his/her wife are coaches. Everyone you speak to seems to be coach at the moment, and yet not a lot can differentiate what makes them different, how they actually help the growth of they clients or what their USP is.
I've met property coaches, social media coaches, beauty coaches, lifestyle coaches, life coaches, nutrition coaches, knitting coaches (yes really) and relationship coaches. Then you have professional coaches, executive coaches, business coaches, sport coaches, personal coaches, running coaches and empowerment coaches. You have speaking coaches, music coaches, voice coaches, management coaches, team coaches, leadership coaches and board...
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Why You Should Burn The Handbook

burnout leadership Feb 28, 2019
Watch me speaking at the very first Reward Gateway #EnExSummit on why you should burn the handbook if you want your people to love what you do.
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How To Avoid Burnout

burnout Feb 19, 2019
This is one talk I'm asked to do over and over again, each time is different, but the message remains the same.
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