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You know that wellbeing is top of the People agenda

You know that urnout is rising

You know the world of work has changed and you want to do right by your people

And with so many plates spinning how can you really create a happy and healthy organisation that allows your people to do their best work?

This is where I come in!

Keynote Talks

If you want to raise awareness of Burnout, what it is, and how to prevent and recover from it, then my keynote talks could be your ideal first step and can be delivered in person or virtually



Book a call to discuss a training session or workshop to increase Burnout awareness, up-skill your managers and HR team or to discuss coaching for people who are at or coming through Burnout


Project Burnout

Project Burnout is the company accreditation that highlights your commitment to Burnout Prevention and workplace wellbeing through all that you do with and for your people


Can You Afford To Ignore Burnout?

Burnout is rising, and it's costing people their health and careers and organisation's hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Download the FREE Burnout Assessment Tool to identify your Burnour Risk Factors, and Banish Burnout for you and your people today

Get Your Copy Today

Book A Call

If you’re ready to Banish Burnout, I’d love to talk about how I can help

Client Love

"I'm ashamed to admit that when Helen, my HR Director first spoke to me about Kelly supporting us, I thought it would be a waste of time and money.

I was wrong.

We'd asked a question about Burnout in our survey for the first time, and the numbers were staggering. Helen suggested we ask Kelly to come and deliver a talk, I didn't think we needed it, but Helen convinced me. I did just think we'd book the talk and that would be that.

What began as a 90-minute talk via Teams, then went on to become an audit, and support for myself, and our leadership teams, which I have to say has been priceless.

We had no real idea what Burnout was, we were creating situations we weren't even aware of, and we didn't realise that our own levels of stress and exhaustion were having such an impact on our people. We often think that as leaders we hide things well. Well, we weren't doing as well as we had thought.

Our most recent survey results have shown a significant decrease in Burnout across the company, and, an increase in leadership communication, trust, and visibility.

Kelly is professional and challenging, influential and impactful, knowledgeable and, just pretty amazing at her craft.

We're already talking about how we can utilise more of Kelly and her expertise to support us further. She and the work that she does are worth every penny and more.

If like me you think anything Burnout related is a waste of time and money, at least have a chat with Kelly before you say no." Dale, CEO

Why work with me?

I left my corporate HRD role because after my first period of Burnout, I finally realised the organisation I was in was toxic. I started looking for new HRD roles, and then, but I had a niggle that I needed to be running my own consultancy.

Three months later though I was doing just that.  

I was working with Boards and Executive teams, HR Leaders and their teams.  I was training, supporting, advising from Board level to Leadership and management.  Consulting on change and transformation, and truly helping leaders to change the world of work.

And then I received a call that changed my life and my work.

My replacement had died whilst away on a leadership residential. 

Two days later I received a call to tell me I had been the fourth HRD to become ill in that organisation.

And that was the point that I became addicted to Burnout.

Since 2014 I have studied, researched, qualified, eaten, slept and walked the talk of Burnout, Burnout Prevention and Burnout Recovery. In September 2024 I start my PhD.

Burnout prevention is my passion. 

Because I know that we can prevent it, and more importantly I know how to prevent it. 

I’m not going to list all of my skills and qualifications, you can read about them here, but I will say this. 

I’m here, because you matter, your people matter and your organisation matters – and you are the reason that I do what I do.


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